Coffee Tours: Harrogate

One difficulty with speciality coffee shops is finding them. They can be notoriously illusive and can be found in the most abstract of areas, so when you do hear/read/find one it's great!
I have to ask the question - what would a coffee addict do if they read an article about 3 speciality coffee shops in one area? I would guess they would do what any one else would do and visit all of them the day after, right? Maybe not.

This is what I found myself doing after reading the speciality coffee magazine 'Caffeine' whilst sat in Makushi Coffee in Lincoln. After reading the article 'Caffeine's Tour' written by coffee enthusiast Brian Williams who blogs about coffee shops all over the country. I felt compelled to visit Harrogate and experience what it has to offer!  

I set off from Lincoln after visiting my girlfriend at Uni and took the trip north to the spa town of Harrogate. First on the list of shops was Baltzersen's. Very conveniently situated in the centre of the town, it has seating out front in a sun trap perfect for the day's weather. The atmosphere was lively and busy. It is definitely a food orientated place which led me to get a home made apricot and mixed seed crumble with my flat white. The coffee was top quality, perfectly finished of with a 14 tier tulip. The espresso was well balanced and smooth which was very well complimented with the perfectly textured milk. I would recommend this quaint shop to anyone looking for a coffee fix as well as a spot of lunch. Quality coffee & food.
22 Oxford Street, HG1 1PU

Next on the tour was no more than a 5 minute walk away -  Bean & Bud. This shop is the longest standing speciality coffee shop in Harrogate and you get that sense once you walk in. They know what they are doing and they know how to make the perfect coffee. I ordered a flat white (my usual as you might have guessed by now) and I was asked which bean type I would like. This is how you know you are in the right place. 2 chalk boards with the descriptions of each option. I went for the Ethiopian Sidamo, I don't expect anyone to understand what this means because neither did I without the information that followed the name. Such as  -  the growing altitude, wash process, roasting and flavour.   My flat white went down like a treat. It was less bitter with sweet and floral hints which made a pleasant change to the usual bitter like after taste you do get from a coffee. Very pleased to have visited this iconic shop.
14 Commercial Street, HG1 1TY

Last but by no means least, Hoxton North. As you can imagine I was definitely caffeined up by this point. I found their shop which is placed in a very open and central area. The ambiance was thriving with great music just as you would want in a coffee shop. My flat white was served with a glass of water for afterwards. This coffee was powerful with a pleasant subtle, bitter taste which compliments the velvety milk texture. I would recommend this shop to anyone looking for great coffee and atmosphere in your day out in Harrogate. 
1 Royal Parade HG1 2SZ

I suppose the question is where is next for my Coffee Tour? 

My Espresso Machine

My espresso machine. 

So as I plan to review coffee in the future I would say it would be a good idea to show everyone what coffee machine I use. 

Now, this is by no means a review. 
Reviews are boring, laborious and full of statistics that only the manufacturers understand. 

I am simply giving you my take on what I use. However I did scroll for hours on end reading all the reviews on the internet about this machine, (yay go me). I have a lot of spare time as you can imagine.

This is the 'Sage The Barista Express Espresso Machine and Grinder' 

Two simple statements: 1. It is pricey, 2. It is worth every penny.

I initially wanted to go for the version under this however my dad being my dad twisted my arm and hey presto I came out with this one. 

I've adjusted the grind size and temperatures for different types of coffee and it has never failed to make that perfect espresso extraction. There are a whole load of setting adjustments you can make which is great for experimenting. If you are like me when I first got this machine the standard settings are great for getting you started!

Extra features such as the single whole steam wand, matching knock box and hidden tray all complement this machine. 
The quality is excellent and the satisfaction from using it tops all else. 
If you really love espresso coffee and want to go it right this is the one. 

I can't wait to get started with some coffee reviews in the future!