My Espresso Machine

My espresso machine. 

So as I plan to review coffee in the future I would say it would be a good idea to show everyone what coffee machine I use. 

Now, this is by no means a review. 
Reviews are boring, laborious and full of statistics that only the manufacturers understand. 

I am simply giving you my take on what I use. However I did scroll for hours on end reading all the reviews on the internet about this machine, (yay go me). I have a lot of spare time as you can imagine.

This is the 'Sage The Barista Express Espresso Machine and Grinder' 

Two simple statements: 1. It is pricey, 2. It is worth every penny.

I initially wanted to go for the version under this however my dad being my dad twisted my arm and hey presto I came out with this one. 

I've adjusted the grind size and temperatures for different types of coffee and it has never failed to make that perfect espresso extraction. There are a whole load of setting adjustments you can make which is great for experimenting. If you are like me when I first got this machine the standard settings are great for getting you started!

Extra features such as the single whole steam wand, matching knock box and hidden tray all complement this machine. 
The quality is excellent and the satisfaction from using it tops all else. 
If you really love espresso coffee and want to go it right this is the one. 

I can't wait to get started with some coffee reviews in the future!     


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