Coffee Stash

I'm sure there are many people who have their very own coffee stash. A cupboard specifically for your speciality coffee. 

I certainly have. I may had overdone it on the quantity slightly as well.  

As I'm telling you about my coffee story i think it would only be polite to show you my personal coffee stash. These are not amazing one off speciality type coffees, no. They are simply different types of coffee i have accumulated. From visiting coffee shops and and other instances.  

So lets begin...  

Above is a very recent buy, so recent it hasn't been touch yet! From the popular Booths store, I previously had some beans from there so I look forward to trying these. 'Fruity acidity with notes of apple, orange and hints of floral jasmine is the description. As I have said in a previous post I wish to one day be able to pick out the intricate flavours but for now I think I will just enjoy the coffee. (flavour wheel research is needed!) 

Another famous name Square Mile, this being a seasonal blend with flavours of hazelnut, cherry, ganache and berry. This brand is associated with some big names in coffee from what I have read like James Hoffmann. I thought I should see what the hype was. Can I say pleasantly please, again I couldn't comment properly on the flavours but hey it was good coffee.

Coffika, small, local ish speciality coffee shop, and superb coffee! Situated in Medowhall Sheffield which I saw as a very unlikely place for a speciality coffee shop but they certainly proved me wrong!
I had an amazing experience at this shop. I will certainly be posting about it in the future because they really showed me what the coffee culture is. Simply fantastic seasonal blend and people at the shop!

 I was also given this pack of Workshop Kelloo. A friend had won a subscription but it turned out they didn't have a machine to actually use the coffee which gave are group a good chuckle. The description was of pineapple and orange blossom. I actually had a pleasant orange taste while sampling an espresso of this which was really lovely. It was very freshly roasted and smooth which is just what I like.  

Pact, now I am sure you must of heard of this speciality coffee supplier, right? This is the only coffee I have on subscription basis because I love it! It is high quality, super fresh and just so flavoursome. It appeals to me because the coffee is so consistently good. Every espresso is as tasteful and as smooth as the last. I initially was introduced to Pact and this coffee through a deal with my machine when I bought it and I have never looked back. The little card gives you information of where the coffee is grown and by who with all the different flavours. They seriously seem to be a step inform of the other speciality coffee companies. Ill be sticking with them for the foreseeable!

Union another coffee back I haven't even opened yet! Man I'm bad at buying it and then realising I already have a stack of coffee at home. With a good quality rating and some very sweet flavour descriptions I am certainly looking forward to trying this. Also with a strength of '6' i think it will give a good kick for those lousy afternoons.  

Coffee's above and below have got to be the coolest packaging I have come across. They were given to me as a gift. I couldn't find a quality score and haven't tried them much yet as i have had so much coffee to get through! I will have to drop a review at some point. 

I hope I haven't rambled on to much about my collection. It does end up growing nearly every other week which is both a good thing and bad thing probably (I just cant drink it quick enough). 

I hope to bring a coffee shop review next or a speciality coffee review, maybe from coffee as I have mentioned above. Also I would be grateful for any feedback or if you just want to drop in a hello to the contact box that would be cool.  
Until next time guys... 


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